Water is the foundation of everything. Without water, life on our planet is impossible; therefore, the Water Element is fundamental in Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science that is more than 3000 years old. Feng Shui science came to America about fifteen years ago, to Europe - about ten, and information about it began to penetrate Russia only in recent years.
Feng Shui is a study of the environment, place, person, space, and time, studying the interaction and harmony of the energies of these factors to improve the quality of human life. Translated from Chinese, Feng means "wind," Shui means "water." Feng Shui is not about interior, but about the Universe. Feng Shui explores the specific effects of nature on human health, family life, and work, aimed at creating harmony and beauty.
The essence of Feng Shui's teachings is to manipulate Qi energy. Qi is vital energy, something without which a person cannot live a full life. Qi is everywhere. A stream of light spreads Chi, strong winds scatter Chi, and water can hold Chi. In other words, Feng Shui is a teaching on how to keep Chi from being dispersed by the wind and how to use water to keep Chi.
Smooth streams of water can have a life-giving effect on our body and our emotional state, providing good rest and peace.
The bubbling water calms the mind. Looking at calm, soft water, we can meditate and relax after a hard day's work.
Chi energy is born through the interaction of the fundamental forces of nature Yin (a passive principle of nature) and Yang (active principle), which symbolize harmony. You need to continually maintain the balance of Yin and Yang in your home. Yin and Yang interact with each other thanks to the movement of the five primary elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. Using them symbolically, one can achieve harmony between elements in different circumstances.
Water is the primary element from which all others come. Water is a conductor of Chi energy; therefore, it is associated with the flow of Chi and with roads in the city.
Water has a cleansing and refreshing effect, and it serves to renew and restore strength. The element of water in Feng Shui is also considered a symbol of money and prosperity. The calm streams of water flowing to your home bring you additional income and wealth. If you awaken this energy correctly and in proportion to other elements energies, while achieving a favorable balance, the power of the water will bring you such wealth that you did not even count on.
Build a house on the banks of a quiet river is considered the right decision in Feng Shui. In ancient times, when in China, they started building homes and choosing the best places for construction, preference was always given to hilly terrain with a water source nearby.
Water is identified with the north. It symbolizes freedom, wisdom, social activity, financial stability.
Here are six things Feng Shui can bring good luck:
For example, the presence of water in the form of miniature fountains and aquariums with goldfish is a typical sign of offices, and it brings good luck in business.
It is also good to place paintings depicting water and Feng Shui in the house, especially in the northern part of the room, thus activating the zone career in feng shui. (For example, a calm sea surface with a soft surf, a full-flowing river, a beautiful flat waterfall flowing down into an impressive body of water, and so on). The colors of Feng Shui Water are blue, blue, and black; they are also good at activating the north zone of Feng Shui.
But water can be dangerous. Strong tsunamis, tropical storms can bring untold misfortunes. According to Feng Shui, the best water is a soft, smoothly wriggling stream that does not stagnate or accelerate.
Some tips for using water.
Be happy with Feng Shui!
Did you ever wonder what the contrasts are between chakras and aura? Or how do they work together? The concept of aura - the luminous energy shell of a person - was introduced by the ancient Indian sages. They believed that the aura could tell about a person's sensual or spiritual thoughts and say about his state of health and that all beliefs are imprinted on his shell. The aura was represented as a field of energy - information that everyone has and through which is a connection with the outside world.
People start to pay more attention not just to how they look, but also how they feel, what they eat, and what physical activities they can do. They start to understand that physical exercise stimulates changes and adaptation of tissues. People are more aware that regular physical activity reduces the likelihood of illness, the frequency of the leading causes of death, and the overall health and quality of life.
We often hear the phrase "All diseases from the nerves." Most people do not take it seriously. But is it worth it to be so frivolous and skeptical about its meaning? Perhaps this particular postulate is the key to understanding the causes of various diseases?
The soul of a person does not just put on his body, but they become one. The soul is not in the body, like a person in clothes. No! Soul and body, this one - living flesh. Only our consciousness divides them into two. That means that everything, literally all the organs of the body correspond to the spiritual organs of the soul. The body organs do not just correspond to the organs of the soul; they are united with them by a fantastic complete unity, which is not in the physical world.
It happens to you: does the partner turn the phone over when it receives a message? Or leaves the gadget face down, be sure to close all the tabs? Of course, maybe it's just a habit, or perhaps a very conscious action. Whether or not to ignore it is up to you. I suggest initiating a conversation about trust. Not a natural conversation. Ready for it?
Each person who has begun to move along the path of personal growth has come across the assertion that the vital aspect of internal change is love and self-acceptance. We hear about it from everywhere, starting with the Bible, which talks about the fundamental love of self, and ending with short articles on ways to improve life in magazines. We accept it wisely, but how to do it technically is not clear to most. In this article, we will show you the motivation for change and real techniques that will help you achieve acceptance and love of yourself and others.
Everything we wear on ourselves means something. This is especially true of jewellery. They talk about our character, temperament, lifestyle, mood and much more. Most women have favourite jewellery that has a particular symbolic meaning: a reminder of an acquaintance, an important event in life, a memory of a dear person, a first date, etc.
All jewellery can be divided into several categories, each of which will have its own subtext.
There is no doubt that proper nutrition benefits the body. After all, we are what we eat. We know about healthy eating from the pages of magazines and television screens. What does it mean to eat right? How to make food beneficial and extract maximum valuable substances from products? Healthy eating - what is it? Everyone knows that you need to eat correctly. But what lies behind this concept? A healthy diet provides a person with full development, growth, vitality, and excellent well-being. Science has proven its positive effect on the body, especially in combination with physical exercise.
Next to friends, we learn to show attention and support, and we get it in return. Each person has different ideas about friendship.
For some, friendly communication is limited by common interests, for example, friends go fishing together, and girlfriends go shopping. Usually, friends spend birthdays together, share news, and always keep in touch. Sometimes, when friends are far apart, they just call back or chat. Others believe that friendship is a concept around the clock, and if you called a friend in the middle of the night and did not help you, this is not a reliable friend at all.
And yet, there are general parameters by which you can judge whether your relationship is friendship.
Crystal programming has more to do with your consciousness and vibrations than with a crystal because a crystal is not a thinking being like we are. The human body and its nervous system is the most complex system in the world, and this is what you are actually programming. Since the crystal enhances everything that you think or imagine, this action is called crystal programming.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...