Nature is the Cosmic Reasonable Everything in which we live and with which we are closely connected, and if we want a vibrant and prosperous life, we must respect its laws, which is the deep meaning of morality.
Here are some of the laws of Nature:
Are there too many rules?
There are many more of them; the rest of the person will be able to recognize only after completing the above.
It is essential to understand that by respecting and correctly applying universal Nature's morality, we can receive a vast reward - the highest good and infinite happiness. The rules listed above are not just guidelines. That is a collection of specific ways of interaction of little-known subtle energies of Nature and man.
Relationships at work show us who we are. And if you do not like colleagues, then this is good a reason to think about what needs to be changed in your attitude or behavior, as complicated relationships at work can ruin any career. So how to establish contact with colleagues and stay yourself?
Outside of work, we can choose with whom to communicate, and with whom - not. But the office is a place where communication is mandatory. Colleagues are united by one company, profession, or interests, but they can differ significantly in character, needs, values, age, and culture.
Louise Hay is one of the founders of self-help movements. She is an author and created a positive healing technique. Through Louise's healing methods and positive philosophy, millions of people have learned to form more of what they need in their lives–more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits.
"Transferring is a powerful technology for managing reality. Having received the solution to a controlled presence, you will see a world in which the impossible becomes possible."
When they first get acquainted with transferring, many people are surprised: how can you not make a wish, why? For many of us, desires and dreams is a much more familiar and enjoyable thing than goals and intentions. As children, we made wishes, blowing out candles on a birthday cake, whispering them to the chiming clock, or throwing coins into fountains so that our plan would come true as soon as possible. Some continue to do this in adulthood - because sometimes you really want to believe in a miracle ... But the truth is that all this is absolutely useless - such desires have no power!
The Living Ethics teachings say: ... The whole Cosmos is raised on thoughts. All good and all harm is based on beliefs. The thought gives life, just as thought brings death. When will people understand this! In space, there is no more substantial lever than an idea saturated with psychic energy.
In all areas of cosmic amplitude, thought will be the cornerstone; it can change karma, determine the timing, and open the gates and close them. She grows wings behind her shoulders, brings closer to the Upper World, and pushes into the abyss. The essence of the law is based on thoughts. The profound wisdom of thinking is a guard against chaos. It is thought that dominates the fury of chaos.
You are the most crucial person in your entire universe. After all, you live life by looking at it with your own eyes. Through them, you perceive your interactions with the world and people around you, your thoughts and interpretation of events, relationships, actions, and words. If we are talking about the general structure of things around the world, then you are only one of many. But when it comes to your own understanding of reality, the only one that matters is you. Therefore, your life depends on how much you love and care about yourself.
At least once in his life, every person has such a moment when it seems that life is crumbling into small fragments. However, few people realize that these are the moments when it may seem to a person that life is ruined, as suddenly all the details fall into place.
Many people are often afraid of significant changes in their lives. But changes in life happen to everyone - this is inevitable. As a rule, a person perceives such changes as absolute chaos, but in reality, such a period is a kind of synchronization of a person's life with his true desires and feelings.
The meaning of the word "trust" may vary depending on people and situations. For example, a kind person who has never been betrayed will more likely believe a person who has suffered from violence in a relationship. In a business relationship, trust is much harder to earn than in interpersonal relationships.
In general, the best way to get an answer to this question is to gather all your courage and just find the time to carry out any spiritual practice, try it yourself. You should be ready to meet face to face with everything that will manifest itself, and then to come into contact with the most valuable within yourself every day.
Sometimes even the biggest sceptics are faced with something that cannot be explained by anything other than magic.
When miracles are happening in our life, then we fundamentally changing our fate. As befits miracles, they arrived when you least expect them. Well, or when you realize that only magic can help you.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...