The morality of the XXI century

Nature is the Cosmic Reasonable Everything in which we live and with which we are closely connected, and if we want a vibrant and prosperous life, we must respect its laws, which is the deep meaning of morality.

Here are some of the laws of Nature:

  • Don't hate it.
  • Do not be offended and do not envy.
  • Don't claim what you don't deserve.
  • Do not try to find a gender that was not given to you by Nature.
  • Don't deceive others and yourself.
  • Avoid getting sexual pleasure alone.
  • Do not slander or insult anyone.
  • Consciously respect any form of life.
  • Respect the rights of all people, regardless of class, ideology, race, or colour.
  • Love your spirit as an emanation of God on Earth.
  • Respect and help older people.
  • Be virtuous.
  • Love your homeland and deeply respect all countries of the world.
  • Be against any perversion.
  • Condemn senseless cruelty.
  • Stand up for human dignity.
  • Condemn any form of exploitation.
  • Do everything possible for your spiritual development.
  • Find the ideal of impersonal service to humanity.
  • Avoid hypocrisy.
  • Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.
  • Be immune to gossip, slander, foul language, and negativity.
  • Take care of your body as it is the temple of your spirit.
  • Proactively, quickly, and diligently fulfil your responsibilities.
  • That is only what he would like to reap. Remember that he who sows the wind will receive the storm.
  • Respect Nature in all its manifestations.
  • Cleanse your speech, and never say what you might regret later.
  • Do not hurt anyone with a word.
  • Increase the level of your wakefulness.
  • Be devoted to good and swear loyalty to your spirit.
  • Always defend truth and justice.
  • Be on the side of the undeservedly oppressed.
  • Always keep your word of honour.
  • Be against pornography and any form of erotic perversion.
  • Protect yourself from the envy and resentment of people who are disappointed in their lives.
  • Be harmonious with everyone, and avoid emotional conflicts.
  • Try to be immune to insult, slander, and gossip about you.
  • Free yourself from negative feelings and thoughts.
  • Love yourself, people, and all forms of life, do it consciously, legibly, and not mechanically.
  • Accumulate merit in life, and you will be rewarded.
  • Do not commit unfair or dishonest acts, since Nature returns everything in proportion to what has been sewn into it.
  • Don't be proud or arrogant as this will blind you. Be humble, but remember your strengths and abilities.
  • Every day, thank the Creator for who you are and what you have.
  • Do not judge by first impressions what is right and what is wrong.
  • Be fun, optimistic, and positive. Laugh a lot.
  • Have sex without becoming a slave.
  • Please don't waste time predicting the future, because you can create it yourself.
  • Do not indulge yourself or indulge in self-pity.
  • Do not think about the shortcomings of others, but take care of eradicating your own.
  • Strive to preserve and unite the superior family union, but do not lose your individuality.
  • Keep your life modest, orderly, and no-nonsense.
  • Learn to master yourself to maintain inner peace.
  • Avoid depression and sadness, which are sources of self-pity and negative emotions.
  • Don't complain as you have what you deserve. If you want more, first earn it.
  • Be responsible for your own life and all your actions.
  • Feel free to face difficulties, and do not try to escape from them.
  • Love truth and reality as yourself. Don't lie to yourself.
  • Be fair and objective.
  • Avoid drugs, as they are Satan's bait.
  • Respect the law of your country and be an exemplary citizen.
  • Don't let seeming goodness blind you.
  • Be careful when you appeal to divine justice, because even what you have now may be taken away from you if it was not deserved.
  • Respect others, and they will respect you, love, and you will be loved. If you steal, you will be robbed. If you lie, you will be deceived too.
  • Respect the universal order - and you will be rewarded.

Are there too many rules?

There are many more of them; the rest of the person will be able to recognize only after completing the above.

It is essential to understand that by respecting and correctly applying universal Nature's morality, we can receive a vast reward - the highest good and infinite happiness. The rules listed above are not just guidelines. That is a collection of specific ways of interaction of little-known subtle energies of Nature and man.

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