There are many varieties of Spiritual Mentors who can give us advice and help in any situation – they inspire with specific thought to protect you from danger, and become a permanent part of your life if you seek help. Do not doubt that the right mentor will introduce himself to you precisely at the right time, to help you in your life in the best way and not to harm anyone.
Spiritual mentors can be conditionally divided into Archangels, Angels, Guardian angels, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and Enlightened creatures, Ancestors, Spiritual animals, Energy elements which reside on the Earth itself - trees, mountains or Spirits of water. Everything that contains energy within itself can use this energy to convey impressions, feelings, thoughts, and healing.
The very concept of a Spiritual Mentor implies that these energies are good and manifest themselves before us to offer assistance of one kind or another.
In the hierarchy of angels, archangels stand above all. It is believed that they are created out of pure love and convey the most urgent messages to us. The most famous archangels are:
Angels and Guardian Angels
The term “angel” can be applied to any spiritual being in an angelic hierarchy. Angels give us messages, indicate a direction, provide comfort and protection, and even save us. As for the Guardian Angel, he is assigned to you at birth to help you go through life; this guardian can be any angel within the angelic hierarchy, including the Archangel.
Guide angels
Angels that indicate direction are spiritual beings that help you throughout your life and during any time so that you become better as a person. Guide angels can manifest themselves when you are in a stressful situation or are with you all your life.
Goddesses are revered in all parts of the world in large numbers. They offer their help in countless areas that affect human existence. Get to know the goddesses who are responsible for the specific features of inevitable situations that you encounter.
Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters were enlightened beings on Earth who went through a spiritual transformation. They let us know about their presence to show us the direction in our work to increase our vibrations and foster internal growth. Their goal is to make us more enlightened. Besides, they can also help us when we ask for help. There are many Ascended Masters who have gone all the way of enlightenment, thanks to their existence on Earth in human form.
Shamans, holy elders, and wise women
Shamans, holy elders and wise women - they all have within themselves the energy of spiritual mentors who carry the knowledge of the ancients. They want to share these valuable teachings of the past with those who live here and now. They communicate with us through ceremonies and storytelling - this is their teaching method. Often, they manifest themselves by asking you to understand and teach others valuable information.
Spiritual ancestors are connected to you through genetic memory. They can play the role of guardian or protector throughout your life. From time to time, they help to recover from genetic scars, severe injuries that have been transmitted through generations. This work “repairs” what was in the past, thereby leading it to the present and continues to be engaged in “repair” in the future.
Quartz crystals represent the result of evolution at the material level. The six faces of the quartz crystal symbolize the six chakras, and the completion point corresponds to the seventh, crown chakra, which connects us to infinity. Quartz crystals are often milky, opaque at the base, and the closer to the top, the more transparent. Transparent quartz crystals often contain inclusions of foreign bodies or frosted curtains.
The child's familiarization with the world of adults, with their activities, with the world of feelings and emotions, that is, with all that society lives on. It is a task that humankind has been solving since it became necessary to pass on the previous generation's experience. The child gains the first social experience in the family. The content and nature of this social experience depend on the spiritual wealth of the parents, on the moral and life values of the whole family, on the understanding by the parents of the responsibility to the baby for the "quality of socialization" that they will provide him.
How often do you want to start a new life with the New Year? Finally, go in for sports and learn how to make good money, lose weight or build muscle, learn a new language, find a good spouse, devote more time to children, write a book, change jobs, open a business, put in place, insolent relatives or colleagues? And how often did dreams remain dreams?
Dream on! Do not look back at anyone! No matter how small your dream may be, it is yours. Realize it, and vision it. Significant for you. Dream after dream! Dream after dream!
Remember what you dreamed about. After all, you once dreamed! Everybody dreamed that he would grow up and achieve success. You will become someone important, significant. You will be a scientist, artist, doctor, famous athlete, an astronaut at last. You dreamed of travelling around the world, making a bunch of discoveries, creating a masterpiece, leaving a memory about yourself, or simply not knowing how yet, but dreamed that you would definitely be happy. And then, for some reason, you stopped. You became an adult.
It happens to you: does the partner turn the phone over when it receives a message? Or leaves the gadget face down, be sure to close all the tabs? Of course, maybe it's just a habit, or perhaps a very conscious action. Whether or not to ignore it is up to you. I suggest initiating a conversation about trust. Not a natural conversation. Ready for it?
Positive thinking is a type of thinking where, when solving life problems, a person sees mainly advantages, not disadvantages; good luck, success, and life lessons, not mistakes and bad luck; goals and objectives, not problems; opportunities, not obstacles; their desires and resources, not the needs and requirements.
Positive thinking is not to deny the negative. Positive thinking is to look where you need to and do what follows.
Well-being is the involvement of joy and thriving. It incorporates having great mental wellbeing, great life fulfillment, a sense of meaning or reason, and the capacity to oversee stretch. More, by and large, well-being is good feeling well.
Well-being is something looked for by almost about everybody, since it incorporates such numerous positive things — feeling cheerful, healthy, socially associated, and intentional. Unfortunately, well-being shows up to decrease. And expanding your well-being can be intense without knowing what to do and how to do i
Affirmations are statements that help change our way of thinking and shape the future we are striving for. But not only ... Affirmations are thoughts, words, feelings, emotions that each of us uses in everyday life. Moreover, as we all understand, we use not always positive, but also negative statements.
A crystal is a beautiful, perfect form. It contains harmony, balance, purity, and perfection. Natural quartz crystals are formed at great depths at very high pressures and high temperatures from highly structured aqueous solutions of silicon dioxide. They rest in the ground, and sometimes in voids, where they have washed away from more upper layers due to soil displacement processes. Gold or silver is often found next to quartz crystals. Quartz crystals and their varieties are found all over the world. Crystals are currently being developed in Arkansas, Brazil, Columbia, Sri Lanka, and other countries.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...