In many religions, it is said that we are servants of God, this analogy can be traced in different holy sources. Each religion is initially given to humanity by God according to the place and circumstances to help people keep their duty, to be honest, righteous since without rules and laws, humanity is predisposed to degradation.
Unfortunately, not a single science and religion gives an exhaustive understanding of what the Soul is. If you try to find answers in scientific articles or in religious sources, for example, in Christianity or Islam, then an inexperienced person, if he is not completely confused, certainly will not be satisfied with the knowledge gained, and new questions will arise again – If not explicitly, then at the level of feelings of dissatisfaction. However, the ancient Vedic texts open the secret veil of the nature of the Soul and its existence, not only in the human body but also among all living beings.
The Vedic concept of the Soul
In Vedic knowledge, we can find enough information to understand the nature of the Soul, visual comparisons, and examples. Through the Vedas, you can comprehend God and realize your true, Divine nature.
The Vedas say that the Soul is aprameya, which in Sanskrit means "immeasurable," it is so small that it cannot be measured with anything. However, if we try to imagine the size of the Soul with our limited material consciousness, it would be comparable to the size of an atomic particle.
According to Vedas, the Soul - Jiva is a living being, an entity imbued with a life force, individual Soul. The word itself originates from the Sanskrit and translates as "to breathe or to live". The problem of self-awareness as a single soul consists of our conditionality - each person in one way or another identifies himself with his body. It should be understood that this body is only a temporary shell, "clothes" for the Soul during your present embodiment. Sooner or later, it will grow old, and you will have to part with it - many call it death, but according to Vedas, you get reincarnated; the Soul receives a new body, according to karma – your actions in previous births. What a new body will depend on your previous life experience. The soul-Jiva is eternal; it has never been born and will never die. The nature of the Soul is transcendental – antimaterial, concerning the material world, meanwhile the body is perishable, according to the Vedas.
The main component of the material world is time, which invariably affects us, we can't change it, so the concept of eternity is difficult for our minds to perceive. Our consciousness or Soul is covered with the shell of a false ego, which creates the illusion of material being.
Continue reading our further articles aiming to expand the perception and understanding of what the Soul is.
All life consists of change. Thanks to them, we become who we are: they shape our personality, temperament, and character. And if we want to prepare for these life shifts in the best way, it is necessary to pay attention to the following signs.
Life does sometimes change its course literally 180 degrees. Hectic times quickly give way to a period of calm until the storm hits you again. At the same time, no external signs usually even indicate future changes. They happen, and we have no choice but to try to adapt to them.
"Transferring is a powerful technology for managing reality. Having received the solution to a controlled presence, you will see a world in which the impossible becomes possible."
When they first get acquainted with transferring, many people are surprised: how can you not make a wish, why? For many of us, desires and dreams is a much more familiar and enjoyable thing than goals and intentions. As children, we made wishes, blowing out candles on a birthday cake, whispering them to the chiming clock, or throwing coins into fountains so that our plan would come true as soon as possible. Some continue to do this in adulthood - because sometimes you really want to believe in a miracle ... But the truth is that all this is absolutely useless - such desires have no power!
To forgive means ignoring bitterness, anger, and hostility that prevent you from improving your relations with your environment. Neglect negative emotions that prevent you from genuinely forgiving. Remember that no matter what happens, it has already happened, and there is no need to drag the past with you into the future. When you get hung up on painful memories, they begin to haunt you even more. Realize that forgiveness is a process, not a result, so take small daily steps that will reflect your intention to forgive a person.
If a family has no purpose, it is dead. Where to start creating a family constitution?
All living things in this world come together for only one reason - a common goal, whether it be a swarm of wolfs, a team of soccer players, or a music group. They have a common task. And why is a family being created? If she does not have a unifying idea, such a cell of society is doomed to destruction.
Depression is not just frequent mood changes and short-term emotional reactions to problems. Depression can be a severe health problem, especially if it is delayed and takes a moderate or severe form. It can lead to a person's significant suffering and his poor functioning at work, at school, and in the family.
Crystals are natural substances that are born in the bowels of the Earth. In a real crystal, groups of atoms form a kind of lattice pattern called a crystal system. There are six types of systems in healing crystals (I will tell you more about this later). Some stones whose atoms do not have an internal crystalline structure are called "amorphous" crystals. These include amber, obsidian, opal, and tektites; they have unique properties.
The most famous stories about the use of crystals date back to the days of Atlantis. In Atlantis, large crystals were used as generators of energy in cities, and that it was the abuse of these energies that caused the death of the great Atlantean civilization.
In any relationship, whether it is a relationship with parents, friends, lovers, you give yourself. You share your psychic and emotional energies. You put labor and effort into making the relationship take the form you need.
For example, you want your partner to go to the lake this weekend with you. But he stubbornly wants to stay home. In this case, you give away your mental energy and spend it on the situation, without guarantees you will receive in return.
You spend emotional energy when you empathize with someone when you share someone's defeats and sorrows. But if your partner does the same for you - you build a balance. You are trying to maintain a balance in a relationship. But if you do not "give," then the balance will be upset. In any communication, in any relation, you have something to do with a partner.
Well-being is the involvement of joy and thriving. It incorporates having great mental wellbeing, great life fulfillment, a sense of meaning or reason, and the capacity to oversee stretch. More, by and large, well-being is good feeling well.
Well-being is something looked for by almost about everybody, since it incorporates such numerous positive things — feeling cheerful, healthy, socially associated, and intentional. Unfortunately, well-being shows up to decrease. And expanding your well-being can be intense without knowing what to do and how to do i
The soul is not something at rest, but rather, on the contrary, it is something always restless, active. The soul is not ready before its manifestation. The soul is not only (as psychology believed) a particular "soul-thing," standing alone in the external relation to the body, but something internal, connected with the body, forming something one-piece - a living human organism.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...