
Each person who has begun to move along the path of personal growth has come across the assertion that the vital aspect of internal change is love and self-acceptance. We hear about it from everywhere, starting with the Bible, which talks about the fundamental love of self, and ending with short articles on ways to improve life in magazines. We accept it wisely, but how to do it technically is not clear to most. In this article, we will show you the motivation for change and real techniques that will help you achieve acceptance and love of yourself and others.

Why is it important

Who we are, what we live for, our values, and which of them are imposed — these questions are directly related to our independence, the courage to step out of the general mass, and take a step towards ourselves? When an understanding of the answers to at least some of these questions comes, calm and confidence are gained, and the slaughter with oneself and one's imperfections and mistakes cease. One should not hope that the transition to perfect form will happen at the click of a finger.

That will be a phased work; every day, clear the negative attitude towards yourself, which has grown into a multi-layer carapace over the years. The frequent condemnation of yourself for wrong actions, twisting thoughts, and how could it be otherwise and why I didn't do it differently, steals energy and life. Remember the many situations when the decision made initially seemed wrong, but over time it was beneficial. The mental struggle with ourselves destroys us, so start accepting yourself with permission to be imperfect and make mistakes.

 Accepting yourself will allow you to:

  • Take care of yourself. When you feel your true desires and needs, this opens the way to happiness.
  • Gain freedom of choice. You will be able to make decisions, understanding that you are making the right choice, without feeling the need to adapt to other people's benefits to the detriment of yourself. You will experience joy doing something for others.
  • Have the ability to change your life. A vision of your values ​​gives the correct guidelines according to which goals are selected, and plans are drawn up for them. Taking responsibility for your life dramatically changes opportunities.
  • Get reliable results. When we follow the path of our destiny, the number of mistakes decreases, and what we conceived corresponds to higher goals. Space helps us.
  • Liberation from a sense of superiority or self-abasement, which is based on comparing yourself with other people. Each of us is unique.
  • Acceptance of other people and building harmonious relationships. Everyone has the right to be himself. We can just feel the inner essence of each person and love it.
  • Forgiveness of one's own mistakes and the ability, finally, to dump the burden of reproach to oneself.


Practices for self-acceptance

The first is awareness. Mark all situations of rejection. Without judgment, criticism. Just like a third person who saw the moment, recorded. First, tracking will occur after the fact (sometime after what happened), then the habit of awareness will pass at the moment of direct decision making, and you will have time to ask yourself why you are doing this, what is my value? That is an excellent opportunity to get rid of the usual reactions and move into a new state.

The second is a reassessment of beliefs. It is powerful, and you will like it. Faith in other people's values ​​is substantial and drags a blanket of your abilities. Realizing not your goals is tens or even hundreds of times harder than your own. Check everything that you are guided in life for compliance with the aspirations of your soul. A lot of "heavy" and very "necessary" tasks will turn out to be irrelevant and free up your resources.

The third is brain training. All our lives, we get used to ignoring our inner self and its true desires. We get used to turning a blind eye to all the best in us, and scourging ourselves for the slightest blunders. Do you think you can turn to face yourself instantly? It is necessary to influence your brain, logically make him think differently. Create your "List of Strengths" and "Achievement Diary." In the first, you write down all your strengths. A firm number is 100. Therefore, without hesitation, you must register 100 of your strengths. Do this in a separate notebook called "Achievement Diary." Then every day, you celebrate your five actions that seem worthy of a real person. Keeping such a diary is essential for understanding what you are capable of. It will become a source for you, a kind of strength, and will help in revealing sincerity.

Fourth is a training of the subconscious. For this, a meditation on self-acceptance is the best suited. On our site you will find ready-made meditations -choose the most suitable for you and do it every day.

And fifth: thank yourself. It is not an easy job to break the shell that has been forming since birth. Allow your inner child to jump to the sky, close his eyes with happiness, clench his fists with the joy of his achievements.


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