
Firmly realized the absence of a magic wand recently. If you wait for someone to come, sharply adjust your personal life, give money, change jobs for you, make you happy, this is your mistake. The Higher has no hands other than your own. They ask you how do you know French so well? Yes, you had two and a half years in the courses, twice a week for three hours, and with long homework, exams and coursework. And then, at every job you used it, and now - you say, you write, you watch a movie, you communicate with friends and foreigners, you make constant efforts to ensure that you are in the asset!

And you want to attach the book to your head, and - well, you know a foreign language?!

They ask why you are so happy; you have no husband, no children, no work, no Mercedes, and no home in the Maldives! For more than twenty years you have been delving into self-knowledge, you have tried different types of therapy - group, individual, training, books, people, seminars! You reached an inevitable result, you got to the bottom of what makes you happy, cleared the inner space of resentment, bitterness, debt, and guilt. But the process of self-knowledge and self-improvement is endless, and this also works!

You just want to visit the healer, and whoops, all your problems will be solved, and grace will come?!

Well, yes, for a while, and then you will have new tasks and problems, if you don't get clean inside, the rake will not keep you waiting. Do you need goals if you are a woman, and your path is hard work and feeling?! We need, dear friend, we need it! In what river are you going to swim? In the Siena or the Ganges? Alone or in the company? On a boat, a raft? Where do you get so many contacts from, how do you know how?

Oh.. relationship.. the hardest element. Too work! Well, you can don't call for months, don't respond to letters, don't find time to meet when you arrive in your hometown, and call a person a close friend, delete from the contact list - go ahead. Don't be surprised that you don't have any close people at all and no one to rely on.. in a happy or challenging moment in your life.

The road of your life will not bloom if you do not plant the right seeds, fertilize, water, and give sunlight. That is your job — the work of life!

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