How often did we decide to change something in our lives? How often do we swear to ourselves that we will start a new life from the beginning of a new week/month/year? How often do our dreams remain dreams? How often do intentions to finally quit bad habits or start a healthy lifestyle remain plans?
Procrastination - this is what this problem is called in psychology. Modern psychology has not been able to identify any apparent reasons for procrastination. It is important not to confuse procrastination with those cases when a person is overtaken by chronic laziness or if he continues to be inactive due to complexes, phobias, or self-doubt. Let's try to figure out what procrastination is.
Consider the phenomenon of procrastination; try to understand its possible causes and possible solutions to this problem.
What is procrastination
If we talk about procrastination in simple words, then it turns out that it is a steady habit to postpone essential matters. The person is aware of the importance of these matters, and their completion has been planned.
For example, a person decided to go in for morning runs. He realizes that this is important to him. Health allows him to do this. But he always finds a reason to postpone the implementation of his plan. And even more than that - at first glance, these reasons are entirely objective and justified. And everything would be great if the delay in jogging did not occur systematically.
Let's try to consider the leading causes of procrastination.
How to deal with procrastination
Procrastination is a refusal to perform every day and objectively necessary tasks under the influence of various factors. And to exclude those main factors of the occurrence of procrastination, which we examined above, we should resort to a simple technique for overcoming procrastination.
These are the three main recommendations for overcoming procrastination. It is worth noting that there can be many reasons for procrastination. This state is easily confused, for example, with sociophobia, when the reluctance to do something stems from the reluctance just to leave the house and make contact with people. By the way, a common reason for putting things off for later.
Therefore, before combating procrastination, one should differentiate this state from many similar ones. It often happens that a person puts things off for later because of banal laziness. Still, negligence is a slightly different problem that works on a somewhat different principle than procrastination. In the case of inactivity, a person often does not see the point in completing a task and therefore refuses to complete it. In the case of procrastination, the importance of completing the task is recognized, and they don't deny the goal, but simply postpone it.
It is also easy to confuse procrastination with complexes, fears, and phobias. The reasons can lie much more profound - it may be children's psychological trauma, negative attitudes, and so on. To solve the problem, it may not be enough just to find the motivation or eliminate distracting factors. To eradicate such obstacles, you will need a deep introspection or, for example, meditation, which allows you to get a deeper understanding of your inner world and understand the causes of certain unfavorable conditions.
As for procrastination, the above three steps can be quite effective and help solve the problem or, at least, significantly alleviate the condition.
Nature is the Cosmic Reasonable Everything in which we live and with which we are closely connected, and if we want a vibrant and prosperous life, we must respect its laws, which is the deep meaning of morality.
Here are some of the laws of Nature...
Farewell to school and entrance exams were left behind. This means that all worries and worries too. If you managed to choose a higher educational institution for admission and successfully pass the entrance exams, you can relax and start enjoying life.
Don't worry ahead of time. We have some tips for you to help even the most taciturn and fearful cowards make friends in college/institute/university.
There are many points of view on crystal purification. Rely on your feelings and intuition for this. If you feel that your crystal needs to be cleaned, do so.
After working with a crystal during healing procedures, it is not recommended to expose it to cold water immediately. The crystal emits a lot of energy during operation. It can become hot and warm, not hot, but very warm. If you immerse him in cold water, his strength will quickly drain. The crystal will undergo thermal shock. Since the crystal does not expand or change its shape under the influence of heat or cold, it can crack in several places.
Water is the foundation of everything. Without water, life on our planet is impossible; therefore, the Water Element is fundamental in Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science that is more than 3000 years old. Feng Shui science came to America about fifteen years ago, to Europe - about ten, and information about it began to penetrate Russia only in recent years.
Feng Shui is a study of the environment, place, person, space, and time, studying the interaction and harmony of the energies of these factors to improve the quality of human life. Translated from Chinese, Feng means "wind," Shui means "water." Feng Shui is not about interior, but about the Universe. Feng Shui explores the specific effects of nature on human health, family life, and work, aimed at creating harmony and beauty.
It is not "universal law of life, the universe and all that", but it provides an excellent frame for understanding why some communications work, and others do not, and why building a community sometimes does not work out ... Or it comes out, but it falls apart although people have a shared experience and ideology, and even everyone is familiar with everyone.
Positive thinking is a type of thinking where, when solving life problems, a person sees mainly advantages, not disadvantages; good luck, success, and life lessons, not mistakes and bad luck; goals and objectives, not problems; opportunities, not obstacles; their desires and resources, not the needs and requirements.
Positive thinking is not to deny the negative. Positive thinking is to look where you need to and do what follows.
The ancients said: You are what you eat. Modern research confirms this statement. Alas in this century people are less likely to distinguish proper nutrition from diets. However, many of the latter have no relation to a healthy diet, but can also seriously harm health. A balanced menu will help not only bring the weight back to normal but also significantly improve well-being.
The word "karma" itself originates from the word Kamma, which in Pali means 'cause-effect', 'retribution', 'action'. The concept of karma cannot be considered separately from such cornerstone concepts as reincarnation and samsara. Without the concept of reincarnation, it would be almost impossible to explain the Law of karma itself. Thus, knowing that reincarnation is an integral part of our life, we understand that the Law of karma works in full force. The way you behaved in past incarnations will undoubtedly affect what is happening in the present, and, possibly, in other rebirths. Also, during this life, a person has the opportunity to improve his karma due to ethical actions and thoughts so that already in the current incarnation, you can turn your life in a favorable direction.
Around us, there are so few things and phenomena that affect us. It's challenging for some people to find something inspiring, but others can find inspiration in everything around them.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...