The subtle etheric forces of Nature are physical and material and not some strange supernatural energies. That is the pulsation of photon radiation arising from the actions, thoughts, and feelings of people. Photons are emitted by the human body and propagate in the Universe at speed not less than the speed of light.
The physical mechanism of action of morality is based on the female essence of Nature, which, like a "cosmic womb," conceives from the photon impulses emitted by people, carrying information about the passions of a person, and always returns to him equivalent to what he sowed into her.
A person is in a holographic Universe, where each part contains a memory of the whole, which means that the human body is a microcosm in which all universal phenomena are reflected. Everyone is connected with the Universe by invisible threads and receives back the multiply amplified vibrations, once sown in it.
Morality is a cause-and-effect vibrational and energetic relationship between man and the Cosmos, in which an inexorable law operates: everyone pays for everything that he does.
Nature does not forgive or write off anything out of sympathy or kindness; otherwise, if she breaks her own laws, she will destroy herself.
Anyone who behaves immorally, criminally, violates the Universe's ethics, will inevitably receive what he deserves. He will punish himself for breaking the universal law of harmony. We rarely realize this, since we do not connect the events of our lives with the ethics of our behavior in the past and explain everything by fate or by chance. We reap what we sow, and if we want a better life, we must sow better seeds.
Having learned about these laws, a person may laugh and disregard them, but still, he will not avoid a reaction to the photon impulses sent to him. For Nature, good intentions and repentance mean nothing; only good or bad deeds are taken into account.
The justice of Nature is not always visible, and sometimes it may seem that people who commit evil deeds are quite successful. However, you should not oversimplify and limit yourself to considering only one of the reasons. To predict the future, it is necessary to analyze many reasons, interrelated and influencing each other.
Nature will never forgive a person who has committed an evil deed. Still, he will be able to compensate for it by doing charity work or helping people anonymously. For example, someone planted a blackberry, and she destroyed other plants. He tried to remove the weed, but it was already impossible. And then he sowed wheat, got a good harvest, ground flour, baked bread, and distributed it to the hungry.
The consequences of evil actions can be reduced by doing good, and Nature will return us equivalent to these two-photon impulses (evil and good). A person can achieve real and long-term success in life only based on an attentive and respectful attitude to the Universe's harmony, moving along the path of vertically ascending evolution prescribed by God and combining his spirit, body, and mind in time and space.
I would like to note that those who have achieved pure spiritual perfection, the only goal of our earthly existence, will also be able to dispose of their material resources freely. Let's not forget: "to the one who has reached paradise, everything else will follow," and he will be able to write the script of his life himself.
Any success that does not include spiritual realization is illusory and transitory. Still, the world of the spirit is immortal, transcends time and space, because it is the plan where life was created.
The best contribution that a person can make to his life will be spiritual development since, over time, it does not decrease, but only increases.
Material wealth, fame, recognition, fame, and various pleasures are just grains of sand, scattered by the wind of time, disappearing with the end of our physical existence.
To better understand the laws of the morality of the Universe, let's analyze some of them briefly:
Reflecting on these points will allow you to understand that a person is essentially a creator. Although he does not know how to control his energy, which is projected into the Universe and after a particular time returns to him, influencing positively or negatively on life, following what vibrations he emitted.
It does not matter what a person thinks about this, since for the execution of the rules, Nature does not matter at all whether they believe in them or not. Because a person doubts these rules, they will not cease to operate in his life.
Any actions will inevitably have inevitable consequences: if people's actions corresponded to universal harmony, they would receive a reward, and if not, then punishment. And not because God cares about reward or punishment for each person. The violator of the laws punishes himself, since Nature restores the disturbed balance, neutralizing the violator.
Morality is beneficial because "best business" (making the best use of one's own time and energy) is virtuous behaviour and respect for the intellectual values that sustain life in the Universe.
To forgive means ignoring bitterness, anger, and hostility that prevent you from improving your relations with your environment. Neglect negative emotions that prevent you from genuinely forgiving. Remember that no matter what happens, it has already happened, and there is no need to drag the past with you into the future. When you get hung up on painful memories, they begin to haunt you even more. Realize that forgiveness is a process, not a result, so take small daily steps that will reflect your intention to forgive a person.
By personal energy, we mean the feeling that you are ready to take on anything. This is potential energy, which is just waiting for its release, as opposed to when we feel "like a squeezed lemon." In the worst of these cases, you cannot even get out of bed. Many people have experienced that when they open their own business, they understand that to achieve their goals, they need more energy and "horsepower" to just do whatever is necessary. Practice shows that there are 5 basic habits, thanks to which you will always feel more strength in yourself.
There is no doubt that proper nutrition benefits the body. After all, we are what we eat. We know about healthy eating from the pages of magazines and television screens. What does it mean to eat right? How to make food beneficial and extract maximum valuable substances from products? Healthy eating - what is it? Everyone knows that you need to eat correctly. But what lies behind this concept? A healthy diet provides a person with full development, growth, vitality, and excellent well-being. Science has proven its positive effect on the body, especially in combination with physical exercise.
The child's familiarization with the world of adults, with their activities, with the world of feelings and emotions, that is, with all that society lives on. It is a task that humankind has been solving since it became necessary to pass on the previous generation's experience. The child gains the first social experience in the family. The content and nature of this social experience depend on the spiritual wealth of the parents, on the moral and life values of the whole family, on the understanding by the parents of the responsibility to the baby for the "quality of socialization" that they will provide him.
Crystals are natural substances that are born in the bowels of the Earth. In a real crystal, groups of atoms form a kind of lattice pattern called a crystal system. There are six types of systems in healing crystals (I will tell you more about this later). Some stones whose atoms do not have an internal crystalline structure are called "amorphous" crystals. These include amber, obsidian, opal, and tektites; they have unique properties.
The most famous stories about the use of crystals date back to the days of Atlantis. In Atlantis, large crystals were used as generators of energy in cities, and that it was the abuse of these energies that caused the death of the great Atlantean civilization.
Anyone wants to be happy. Since the days of Aristotle, happiness has been believed to be the pleasure of a good life. From this, there is our eternal striving for happiness.
Happiness is the accumulation of moments. Attaching your satisfaction to achieving a single goal makes it impossible for you to see the joy in the little things. The fact is that happiness does not arise from completing an only goal, but from daily events. Anchoring your happiness to a single future goal prevents you from experiencing the joy that is present in other moments in your life.
Next to friends, we learn to show attention and support, and we get it in return. Each person has different ideas about friendship.
For some, friendly communication is limited by common interests, for example, friends go fishing together, and girlfriends go shopping. Usually, friends spend birthdays together, share news, and always keep in touch. Sometimes, when friends are far apart, they just call back or chat. Others believe that friendship is a concept around the clock, and if you called a friend in the middle of the night and did not help you, this is not a reliable friend at all.
And yet, there are general parameters by which you can judge whether your relationship is friendship.
You are the most crucial person in your entire universe. After all, you live life by looking at it with your own eyes. Through them, you perceive your interactions with the world and people around you, your thoughts and interpretation of events, relationships, actions, and words. If we are talking about the general structure of things around the world, then you are only one of many. But when it comes to your own understanding of reality, the only one that matters is you. Therefore, your life depends on how much you love and care about yourself.
Louise Hay is one of the founders of self-help movements. She is an author and created a positive healing technique. Through Louise's healing methods and positive philosophy, millions of people have learned to form more of what they need in their lives–more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits.
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