The law of karma is one of the most complicated rules in our world. Its complexity lies in its ambiguity - depending on the type of person, on the energy that surrounds him, the manifestations of the law of karma can be different. And this is the main difficulty. A large number of factors you can consider. How can we explain the fact that two people can have a completely different view of the same problem?
People are so different - and the level of development, and the conditions in which they live, and what they aspire. At the same time, one should not forget that it is the level of human development that determines what kind of energy will surround him.
Three main types of energy that determine a person's actions: tamas, rajas, sattva.
These types of energy designate what decision a person will make.
For example, consider the following question: to help or not to help children?
The most important thing here is to understand that there are three types of energy and that in ordinary people, these three types of energy are mixed. It would be a mistake to consider a person one hundred percent sattvic, rajasic, or tamasic. There are specific mixtures of these energies, and therefore human actions can be different depending on the situation.
There are such concepts as akarma, vikarma, karma.
Akarma is an action without consequences for the one who performs it.
Karma is the law of feedback - "what you sow, you will reap."
Wikarma - when a person knows that his actions will lead to negative consequences, but he does it anyway and can do nothing about it.
Let us now consider the difference between "karma" and "fate." Take, for example, an ordinary person: in his past lives, he accumulated karma, and before he was born in this world, his fate was determined. If in this incarnation, this ordinary person lives, committing harmful acts, his future will gradually deteriorate. However, it depends on what kind of energy surrounds a person: if sattva, then everything will return to him very quickly; if ignorance, he will not understand anything in this life.
If a person begins to do yoga, he can change his fate. True, in this case, we can say that this person had the karma to do yoga and change his future.
That is the value of yoga! The fact that with the help of yoga, a person can change the negative supply of karma that he has.
There is an opinion that karma of the lower worlds accumulates in the legs of a person. Karma of hell accumulates in the ankles and feet. The karma of the animal world is in the lower legs and knee joints. Karma of hungry spirits or very poor people is in the hips. When you overcome these limitations with the help of specific asanas, you become more mobile, and the pain in the legs goes away. However, keep in mind that it costs a person who practices yoga to communicate with people who have massive problems in their legs and how these problems will appear in him. And again, everything must be re-designed and put up with the problem, which is now becoming yours.
The law of karma is callous to egoists and very fair to those who engage in self-improvement.
In many religions, it is said that we are servants of God, this analogy can be traced in different holy sources. Each religion is initially given to humanity by God according to the place and circumstances to help people keep their duty, to be honest, righteous since without rules and laws, humanity is predisposed to degradation.
Karma - a central element in India's various religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism), is a universal law of cause and effect. According to karma, all events in our lives are determined by our past actions – each of them has a consequence. The past predetermines the way we live now, but at the same time, we shape our future with our actions.
Reincarnation – the rebirth of the soul, when it returns to the physical realm in a new body.
Farewell to school and entrance exams were left behind. This means that all worries and worries too. If you managed to choose a higher educational institution for admission and successfully pass the entrance exams, you can relax and start enjoying life.
Don't worry ahead of time. We have some tips for you to help even the most taciturn and fearful cowards make friends in college/institute/university.
To forgive means ignoring bitterness, anger, and hostility that prevent you from improving your relations with your environment. Neglect negative emotions that prevent you from genuinely forgiving. Remember that no matter what happens, it has already happened, and there is no need to drag the past with you into the future. When you get hung up on painful memories, they begin to haunt you even more. Realize that forgiveness is a process, not a result, so take small daily steps that will reflect your intention to forgive a person.
There is no doubt that proper nutrition benefits the body. After all, we are what we eat. We know about healthy eating from the pages of magazines and television screens. What does it mean to eat right? How to make food beneficial and extract maximum valuable substances from products? Healthy eating - what is it? Everyone knows that you need to eat correctly. But what lies behind this concept? A healthy diet provides a person with full development, growth, vitality, and excellent well-being. Science has proven its positive effect on the body, especially in combination with physical exercise.
If a family has no purpose, it is dead. Where to start creating a family constitution?
All living things in this world come together for only one reason - a common goal, whether it be a swarm of wolfs, a team of soccer players, or a music group. They have a common task. And why is a family being created? If she does not have a unifying idea, such a cell of society is doomed to destruction.
The justice of Nature is not always visible, and sometimes it may seem that people who commit evil deeds are quite successful. However, you should not oversimplify and limit yourself to considering only one of the reasons. To predict the future, it is necessary to analyze many reasons, interrelated and influencing each other.
You are the most crucial person in your entire universe. After all, you live life by looking at it with your own eyes. Through them, you perceive your interactions with the world and people around you, your thoughts and interpretation of events, relationships, actions, and words. If we are talking about the general structure of things around the world, then you are only one of many. But when it comes to your own understanding of reality, the only one that matters is you. Therefore, your life depends on how much you love and care about yourself.
Sometimes even the biggest sceptics are faced with something that cannot be explained by anything other than magic.
When miracles are happening in our life, then we fundamentally changing our fate. As befits miracles, they arrived when you least expect them. Well, or when you realize that only magic can help you.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...