Karma - a central element in India's various religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism), is a universal law of cause and effect. According to karma, all events in our lives are determined by our past actions – each of them has a consequence. The past predetermines the way we live now, but at the same time, we shape our future with our actions.
The law of cause and effect is valid not only for one specific life but also far beyond it. With a purpose to understand this idea, there are concepts of the wheel of Samsara and Reincarnation:
Samsara is the cycle of deaths and births of one soul. For example, in Buddhism, it is believed that a person comes to Earth in different incarnations a vast number of times for purification.
Reincarnation – the rebirth of the soul, when it returns to the physical realm in a new body.
In other words, the soul has outlived one life - committed excellent and bad deeds, forming karma. In the next incarnation, it must work out the sins of a past life through good works. Karma is the freedom of our choices.
Karmic relations – they are between all family members, distant relatives, friends, colleagues. The sign that you are connected with a person is the presence of emotions in you towards him. Moreover, emotions can be both positive and negative.
Another example of karmic relations is when you meet a stranger and immediately experience negative feelings for him. That is also a signal, which means that you need to interact with this person to work out your karma.
Karmic diseases - congenital or acquired health problems as a result of bad karma. Diseases are needed to make a person stop, understand that he is doing wrong, and correct his past mistakes.
Karmic duty is what a person should have done but didn't do. For example, a woman gave birth to a child: she must provide him with care, adequately raise, educate, and release. If a mother evades her duties, a karmic responsibility is assigned to her. Another example: you got married, as it was necessary. Over time, problems arise in the family, after which many decide to divorce, thereby weighing a debt of karma. Family problems are karma, its lessons that you and your partner need to go through. That is why, in the next marriage, people get the same difficulties.
The essence of reincarnation includes two components:
Identification of oneself with the body makes a person feel an intense fear of death. It is assumed that after it, he will completely disappear, and all his works will be meaningless. That makes people behave as if death does not exist at all. To distract from the idea of the finiteness of their existence and the lack of meaning in life, people try to forget themselves in fleeting affairs and entertainment. That also may be a focus on your family or hard work.
Belief in the finiteness of life forms a spiritual vacuum in people's hearts. Faith in the eternal nature of the soul allows you to regain the meaning of life.
To forgive means ignoring bitterness, anger, and hostility that prevent you from improving your relations with your environment. Neglect negative emotions that prevent you from genuinely forgiving. Remember that no matter what happens, it has already happened, and there is no need to drag the past with you into the future. When you get hung up on painful memories, they begin to haunt you even more. Realize that forgiveness is a process, not a result, so take small daily steps that will reflect your intention to forgive a person.
We can strive for our own peace consciously or unconsciously, but the inner world really often acts as a motivator of our actions. We are always drawn to do what gives us pleasure and makes life easier. Even if we are talking about very destructive behavior, still the goal with us, as a rule, is "to make us feel better."
Try to imagine inner peace as a spiritual savings account. Every time you come across precisely what you felt you should have done already, be sure to pay attention to this; if put off for later, these seemingly insignificant questions subconsciously deprive you of spiritual energy. And when you do realize what seems necessary to you, an increase in personal peace of mind is observed every time.
All living things vibrate with a particular frequency. The crystal also has its own unique vibration. A piece of crystal lying on a table or anywhere else emits a unique frequency. When you take a crystal in your hand, its vibrations change. It no longer vibrates at its own frequency, but automatically starts vibrating in unison with your energy source. Since you transfer your energy to the crystal, it responds to your frequency.
Like any substance, crystals have their own wave. The human body also has a vibration, and upon contact, these vibrations interact with each other. Thanks to this effect, the crystals we work with can influence the energy of our body, mind, and soul.
The toughest foremost vital subject that none of us have ever is how to learn about ourselves. People don't give a process, strategy, system, or methodology for learning about ourselves. We learn almost ourselves absolutely through trial and mistake. Learning approximately yourself takes a part of the time, but it's well worth the investment. The more you know about yourself, the superior choices you'll make almost the way of life you've continuously needed to live.
Money is neutral energy, a screen for our projections. In psychology, this term means a process as a result of which a person mistakenly considers everything that happens inside as coming from outside. He can endow others and even objects with qualities and characteristics that he has chosen, and at the same time, he perceives these data as an objective fact.
Depression is not just frequent mood changes and short-term emotional reactions to problems. Depression can be a severe health problem, especially if it is delayed and takes a moderate or severe form. It can lead to a person's significant suffering and his poor functioning at work, at school, and in the family.
If a family has no purpose, it is dead. Where to start creating a family constitution?
All living things in this world come together for only one reason - a common goal, whether it be a swarm of wolfs, a team of soccer players, or a music group. They have a common task. And why is a family being created? If she does not have a unifying idea, such a cell of society is doomed to destruction.
There are many points of view on crystal purification. Rely on your feelings and intuition for this. If you feel that your crystal needs to be cleaned, do so.
After working with a crystal during healing procedures, it is not recommended to expose it to cold water immediately. The crystal emits a lot of energy during operation. It can become hot and warm, not hot, but very warm. If you immerse him in cold water, his strength will quickly drain. The crystal will undergo thermal shock. Since the crystal does not expand or change its shape under the influence of heat or cold, it can crack in several places.
For the first time, we learn loving and caring relationships in our families. A family is defined as a cohabiting group of people with a certain degree of kinship - whether by blood, by marriage, or by adoption. Ideally, each child should feel care, respect, and grow up in such a way as to take care of others and form a strong and healthy relationship. This does not mean that making friends and maintaining friendships is always easy, but we all have a common goal - strong relationships.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...