How to get decision to action?

An intention differs from a desire in the first place with a determination to act, but the question often arises - how can one find this determination? How to allow yourself to go and take your own, without hesitation, doubt, and anxiety? The secret is to set yourself up for success and consider the future actions smoothly and calmly as if you are going to the store for bread or to the post office for the parcel.

If, for example, you need to pass an exam, pass an interview or conduct meaningful business negotiations, don't think: "What if?", "What if it doesn't work out?" Do everything that depends on you and trust the Universe. In the process of moving towards the goal, you will gain confidence and determination, and be sure to get yours. 

Do not waste energy on vibrations if you need something. Just go and take yours as if you received a notification of the parcel. You should not hesitate but intend.

Some people gather for years, decide, think, postpone for later. And others - go and do, take their own, get what they want. They are distinguished by the ability to reject anxiety, desire, and hope, leaving only one calm confidence. They learned not to ask themselves questions: "Is it possible?" "Am I worthy of this?" "How will my intention come true?" "Where will it come from?". 

Try to find this determination to act today. Practice the little things. For example, on the way to the bus stop and don't think about whether the bus is suitable if you have time for it, how much you have to wait. But just go there with the firm knowledge that the bus will arrive now. Gradually you will get used to this new state, and it will begin to accompany you in all matters in all areas of life.


And remember: if you doubt, fear and analyze whether it will work out or not - the world as a mirror reflects this your condition, and you do not succeed, and the worst fears come true. If there are no fluctuations in the form of fears and anxieties, your chances of success increase repeatedly. Give up a doubt; you will not lose anything. You can control your luck by taking action.



We limit ourselves because we are driven by attitudes from childhood: "Don't hang out!" "Do you need more than anyone else?" "The main thing is that everyone is well-fed and shod," "You already have everything!", "Why do you need so much?" "Money cannot buy happiness." But what if the Soul asks for more? It is time to find the determination to have.

To do this, you need to increase your permission and expand your comfort zone regularly. Drink inexpensive coffee restaurants, buy quality things for yourself, always learn new things, and look for new opportunities for earning, realizing, unlocking your potential. Renounce the habit of being content with little, change the observer's passive position to the active role of the Conqueror of your reality.

Don't doubt, desire, and fear, and then the impossible becomes possible. You can take an exam without knowing the subject, quickly go through an awkward interview, enter into an extraordinarily profitable contract, win a hopeless case, charm those you didn't dare to dream of." 

The determination to have is gained in the process of moving towards one's right goals. Feel within yourself the readiness to receive your plan. Let your goal be realized with the help of the energy of External intention. 

Remember: your possibilities are limited only by your intention!


So, desires are not fulfilled; dreams do not come true; the only pure intention is realized. You must set an intention and get all the tools to work with it. 


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