How to cultivate kindness

The child's familiarization with the world of adults, with their activities, with the world of feelings and emotions, that is, with all that society lives on. It is a task that humankind has been solving since it became necessary to pass on the previous generation's experience. The child gains the first social experience in the family. The content and nature of this social experience depend on the spiritual wealth of the parents, on the moral and life values ​​of the whole family, on the understanding by the parents of the responsibility to the baby for the "quality of socialization" that they will provide him.

Many parents teach children qualities like self-confidence, perseverance, determination, the ability to fend for themselves, but less attention they pay to the education of such excellent quality as kindness. But it is responsiveness, generosity, openness, courtesy, willingness to help one's neighbor - these are the essential human qualities. Now in society, there is a manifestation of indifference, intolerance, the aggressiveness between people, and this leads to a problem that acquires particular relevance and makes the process of education of moral qualities in children especially necessary.

Gradually, the child will master the generally accepted norms of behavior and relationships. But this path is long and not always practical. The role of the adult is essential here, through which this process is carried out. And above all, these are close people, parents. They are the sources of the development of kindness, mercy, sympathy, justice. They say a person begins in childhood. Good must necessarily come from the parents. Do I have to be kind? Actual question in our time.

First of all, kindness is a positive quality of a person, manifested in a responsive attitude to other people, altruistic intentions, the absence of hostility towards others, care, and love for relatives. By showing kindness, a person can help someone, take care of someone. He must be kind despite the trials of fate. By his generosity, a person makes the world a better place, making some people more vibrant. But, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people doing good deeds. A person, doing a good deed, is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of other people. It is believed that kindness is a manifestation of weakness.

But psychologists say that being kind is right. Kindness is empathy, emotional intelligence. A person with developed emotional intelligence is statistically more successful in his personal life and his career, business. 

It is easier for a kind person to make friends and communicate with people. A man is happier when he does good deeds. Kindness comes back to us: we help people, they help us. And yet, how to teach a child to be kind.

Children's actions are not always kind towards others. Adults must educate the children in need to be helpful. At what age should one begin to cultivate kindness in a child? From 2 to 5 years, such emotions as love, pity, sympathy is manifested in children. What we are - so will our children.

Kindness in a child needs to be purposefully brought up. And it doesn't matter at all how he behaves; he is obedient, affectionate, aggressive, and moody. Children should be able to answer questions about why it is necessary to be so, to do so, and not otherwise. It is imperative to be a kind person. So, you can help someone who is, for example, in a difficult situation, making him happy.

Many parents teach humanity in absolutely inhumane ways: they command, threaten, break toys in "righteous" anger. All this forms their child's attitude toward the use of force, and not at all to tolerance and kindness. After all, children no longer believe in words, but in gestures, looks, intonation - everything that adults do not control, but this is precisely the truth. In raising a child, he needs to pay due attention, listen to him, and show his attitude and behavior that you are ready to answer questions and help resolve a contentious situation.

If the child loses respect for you, he can also stop listening and obeying you, which will lead to the fact that you lose the opportunity to teach. Every child lives a constant subconscious need for a sense of self-worth. Help him use his superiority and strength, not for evil, but good.

Children of older preschool age are able not only to distinguish between good and bad deeds but also to understand why you need to do well, what motive is behind each act. Children's awareness of the reasons for actions contributes to deeper assimilation of ideas about kindness and mercy and, consequently, the development of their feelings and behavior. It is essential that the child, showing his kindness, does not expect anything in return.

It will be enough to show your approval for the baby to understand - such behavior is the norm for a good person, for a child to become kind enough from early childhood to teach him to be attentive and caring to others. So, you can start with domestic help, caring for younger brothers and sisters, grandparents. Teach him to help and protect the weak, share something, learn to listen, and understand others. To be attentive to the people who surround us - this is a manifestation of kindness. Show your child how you feel about everything living, towards nature.

After all, we are part of this nature. And we all correctly understand that it must be protected. However, we do not always do this concerning her. Due to our fault, many fires occur, plants and animals die. And the children also see it. How, then, will they relate to nature? Talk to your children about this topic more often.

Let it be his concern. Tales and cartoons will help to guide the child on an enjoyable journey. The main thing is not to miss the choice because the kid identifies himself with a fairy-tale hero. Please pay attention to the child by reading a story with him or watching a cartoon. Be sure to talk with him about what he understood, explain to him the moral of this story, and explain some unknown concepts. After all, whom, if not parents, the children will listen first. Be tolerant and treat your children with understanding and care.

Remember: you, parents, in the first place can and should educate kind and helpful people in your children who can come to the aid of anyone who needs it, and that if you do not show your kind feelings, it will be challenging to educate these feelings are in the child. If we want to grow up a kind and happy person, we must become successful people and caring and loving parents who always have time to communicate with their children. What an example, we will show our children, so they will behave towards us.

In families where an honest and friendly attitude towards each other is valued, children do not grow up cruel and selfish. Therefore, if you want your son or daughter to be a kind and honest person, you never lie and do not skimp on positive deeds!

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