A crystal is a solid silica with an ordered arrangement of atoms. The order in which the particles are located inside the crystal determines its smooth outer surfaces called faces, and if the faces are transparent, you can see through the crystal. In a quartz crystal, the hexagonal system's symmetry is forever embedded (metaphysics, it is often called the trigonal system). Silicon dioxide is an integral part of many minerals. It is the presence of silicon dioxide in the composition that makes the crystal sparkling and gives it crystal clear.
Quartz crystals represent the result of evolution at the material level. The six faces of the quartz crystal symbolize the six chakras, and the completion point corresponds to the seventh, crown chakra, which connects us to infinity. Quartz crystals are often milky, opaque at the base, and the closer to the top, the more transparent. Transparent quartz crystals often contain inclusions of foreign bodies or frosted curtains.
Quartz crystal with one end
The most common type of clear quartz crystal is one with one purpose and six facets. Six naturally formed faces join together to form a sharp end or apex. The angles of the crystal face do not always coincide with the abrupt ending. The shape and size of the edge depending on the presence of space that surrounded the crystal when it formed underground. Under ideal conditions for crystal growth, all of its faces are the same.
Quartz crystals with two ends
A crystal with one end has a tip at only one purpose. If the crystal has both ends with a sharp end, it is called a crystal with two ends. People who work with such crystals say that they are capable of absorbing and emitting energy from either end. By combining power in the middle, a crystal with two lots can radiate this combined energy from both ends. Unlike single-ended crystals that formed in hard rocks, double-ended crystals form in soft alumina rocks. In the process of growth, they had no restrictions and were able to create ends. Crystals with two completions help to achieve double balance - the balance of mind and body.
Druse crystals
A druse of crystals is a natural formation of two or more crystals that have grown on one massive rock. Druse quartz can combine up to one hundred individual crystals with one end. Druse crystals have a joint base. In a Druze, many crystals coexist together in peace and harmony. They represent a developed community, each member of which is unique and perfect in its way, and together they live on common ground - the foundation.
Flat crystal
Such crystals look flat because two of their six vertical faces are twice as wide as the other four faces. They can be single or double-ended. The wide flat edges can be used as transmitters or receivers in telepathic healing and transmitting thoughts and messages. The energy frequency of flat crystals, due to the presence of two flat faces, differs from the energy frequency of crystals with any other faces' structure. They are indispensable for balancing any two components, as well as the chakras of the human body.
Herkimer diamond
Herkimer diamond is another unique form of quartz crystal. The cheerful and sparkling Herkimer are usually small but superior in quality to other gems with two finishes. They differ from other crystals in that when they grew underground. They had nothing to attach. They grew in a liquid medium in alumina deposits. Herkimer's are suspended in the liquid inside the "parent rock" and can grow freely in any direction. They were first discovered in Herkimer County, New York. These sparkling crystals usually have two ends, often with grains of androxylite or with a rainbow inside. Despite its small size, Herkimer is very powerful. These are catalysts of the quartz family. The Herkimer diamond can free your spirit and enable it to ascend to new heights.
The ancient Egyptians considered quartz to be a sacred stone and carved wine goblets from it. When they drank from these cups, they believed that the water in them was saturated with life energy.
Electronic quartz
The e-quartz crystal is a high-quality single-ended crystal. It can be colourless or coloured, but it is always transparent, without impurities. In this case, the electrical impulses will always be constant. The absence of chemical contamination achieves the perfection and transparency of the electronic crystal. When such a crystal is compressed and released, it generates a weak electrical discharge that vibrates or vibrates at a specific frequency. This controlled repetitive vibration has allowed several technological advances to be introduced into the communications system.
When an electric charge is applied to quartz, it vibrates. Oscillators (devices used in modern communications equipment) made of quartz regulate electrical energy.
For quartz to be electronic, it must be completely transparent. Translucent crystals have better properties than matte crystals. In matte crystals, there are many foreign inclusions and chemical elements that affect their electronic conductivity. Crystals with small cracks and breaks can transfer energy. If you, holding the crystal against a light source, do not see anything through it, there are so many foreign impurities and chemical elements that cannot transmit vibrations.
The essential quality of a crystal at today's level of understanding is its ability to receive, transfer, and intensify the vibrations of the body, soul, and thoughts.
All transparent crystals are programmable. For this, it is better to have a crystal with one end, and not a druze of two or more crystals. A crystal with one end has one directional vibration wave. A double crystal, or druse, emits several vibrations at different frequencies, just as two or three radios turned on at the same time and tuned to the same wavelength will interfere and interrupt each other. Druse is best suited for decorating and admiring interiors. Druse is not a useful tool because it does not have a single focused energy source.
Pure, transparent quartz crystals are called electronic. The arrangement of atoms in a specific order inside a crystal determines its ability to transmit light. Crystals with inclusions of chemical elements are translucent crystals, but not transparent. Such crystals rarely can conduct electricity, since foreign inclusions ground any electrical energy. Such crystals are ineffective as working tools.
Veils can be observed inside some crystals that look like tiny rare clouds. The contours of these inclusions show where crystal growth stopped and resumed. Veils usually occur when crystal growth stops for 2-3 thousand years. Dirt and foreign elements are deposited on the edges of the crystal. When the surrounding external conditions change, the crystal begins to grow again, it grows around the particles deposited on it, and they end up inside the crystal. If a veil or other inclusions resemble thin clouds, such a crystal can be used for work and fortune-telling, since these weak, barely noticeable inclusions do not reduce its effectiveness.
There is one version, according to which it is believed that the energy generated inside the crystal is mostly not used, because it is locked inside the "mirror hall." The vibration of the crystal bounces around the six faces and loses most of its energy because it cannot find a productive outlet. Therefore, if you want to use its power effectively, wrap your fingers around it and wrap your fingers around the crystal when you work with it. This way, you close the flat edges and no more extended functions like mirrors. When you completely wrap your hands and fingers around the crystal body, it becomes a reflection of the cells in your body, and the energy can freely enter and exit. The crystal energy used in this way is the most accessible and efficient.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...