Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a virus that is very similar in structure to the common virus among bats. And this is the result of his mutation.
Currently, it has not yet been sufficiently studied. Nevertheless, it is already known that it is transmitted by airborne droplets and by contact, although others that are still unknown are possible. Coronavirus can be transmitted both from a sick person with symptoms and in an asymptomatic period.
The incubation period, when a person is already infected with the virus but still does not have symptoms of its manifestation, averages about 14 days. Always, there have been cases when it lasted longer.
The high-risk group for coronavirus disease includes people over 65 years of age, as well as those who have chronic illnesses. Children rarely become infected but can be carriers of this infection. For the rest, the risks are about the same as with other viral infections.
Symptoms of Coronavirus
In general, within 80% of patients with coronavirus, the disease is mild and does not cause any severe consequences. People have a fever, difficulty breathing, cough, sore throat, weakness, runny nose, etc. The same symptoms are observed with acute respiratory and viral infections. In these situations, a person quickly recovers and returns to his healthy life.
Unfortunately, there are no specific signs of coronavirus that could be clearly differentiated from other respiratory and viral diseases. The only reliable way to detect it can only be a laboratory blood test.
Sometimes the disease can be generally asymptomatic or almost asymptomatic. A person will not even notice that he has transferred it. In fact, complications from the coronavirus rather than the disease itself are more dangerous. Such in most cases is severe pneumonia, when hospital treatment is an absolute must, as it is only possible to connect a person to the ventilator.
Coronavirus Treatment
There are currently no specific drugs for the treatment of coronavirus. The therapy is carried out by well-known immunomodulators, antibacterial agents (secondary manifestations in the form of a cold, cough, etc.), supporting drugs (vitamins, complex dietary supplements, etc.), and folk remedies.
Biologists are actively working to create a vaccine against COVID-19, but you should not wait for it in the near future. Therefore, if someone offers you miraculous remedies for the coronavirus treatment, then this is pure fraud.
In case of severe complications, do not neglect hospitalization because pneumonia develops quickly, and you cannot cope with it at home.
Coronavirus Prevention Measures
The main task is to prevent the virus from getting onto the mucous membranes, so do not touch your face, mouth, nose, and eyes with dirty hands. Wash your hands after visiting public places, transport, coming from the street, and before cooking. If there is no soap and water near, use alcohol-based products and disinfectant wipes.
Coronavirus. Psychosomatics
Now let's take a look at it from another angle. The treatment and prevention of any disease, in fact, begin in our head; thus, now we will consider the coronavirus question from the point of view of psychosomatics.
If you turn to the teachings of Louise Hay, she writes that respiratory diseases often occur in those who are afraid to accept life in all its manifestations.
Liz Burbo believes that viral diseases help a person to avoid something or someone. When you don't want to, say, solve a severe problem at work, sometimes it's "easier" to just get sick, for example.
Ask yourself: "What is the disease that limits me? And what does it allow me not to do?" And you will immediately discover your secondary benefit from the disease.
And if you look at the coronavirus from the point of view of "German New Medicine" by R. Hamer, it becomes clear in general that, in fact, viruses do useful work for our body, removing the consequences of a completed psychological conflict. That is, nothing terrible is happening. The body is restored in a natural way for him. If this is the case with this disease, then the symptoms of the coronavirus of a conscious person can even please him in a sense, as he will understand, that the healing phase has begun. In this case, all the signs of the coronavirus will stop very quickly, and the person will return to his usual life, not in 2-3 weeks, but much earlier.
Therefore, a straightforward conclusion can be made - there are no accidents, and only those who have psychological prerequisites for this are at risk of contracting and getting sick with a viral infection.
Of course, it is difficult to give a definite answer, precisely from the side of the psyche triggering the activation of the coronavirus in a person. There can be many symptoms, and they can be manifested in different ways. In any case, it will be an individual story of each. But you can try to figure it out on your own – it will significantly speed up recovery.
The following questions will help you with this:
Then simply analyze the answers received, realize where your weak point is, figure out what can be improved, and recover faster. After all, when you deal with the reasons on a psychological level, the physical body will recover very quickly, and treating the coronavirus even at home will not take much time.
At the same time, of course, one should not go to the other extreme, completely ignoring medical care and relying only on psychological studies. That is the rule of the golden mean.
The measures of psychological prevention of coronavirus
In fact, the bacteria and viruses themselves are not dangerous. They are part of nature and fulfill their essential functions. They are not aggressive, but, getting into an aggressive environment, they become toxic and destructive. We prepare this aggressive soil for ourselves with our negative thoughts, deeds, and harmful emotional reactions.
Even if the coronavirus symptoms have already been detected, you must turn on the "stop panic" mode because all serious complications occur precisely at the time of diagnosis. A person is frightened, and fear triggers an aggravation of the disease, forms a new internal conflict, causes a deep fear of death. And then, the likelihood of pneumonia increases significantly.
In general, solve your psychological problems in time, and then diseases will not have to signal you about them.
Coronavirus is just one of the infectious diseases and should be treated accordingly. Do not forget about the integrated approach, where all activities related to the body, psyche, and energy should be considered equal and equally important.
Anyone wants to be happy. Since the days of Aristotle, happiness has been believed to be the pleasure of a good life. From this, there is our eternal striving for happiness.
Happiness is the accumulation of moments. Attaching your satisfaction to achieving a single goal makes it impossible for you to see the joy in the little things. The fact is that happiness does not arise from completing an only goal, but from daily events. Anchoring your happiness to a single future goal prevents you from experiencing the joy that is present in other moments in your life.
To take advantage of a crystal's favourable properties as a spiritual tool, it must be programmed. The best way to do this is to make the crystal in your right hand (giving a hand) and put your right hand with the crystal on your left hand (receiving hand) to create an excellent energetic contact between them.
The instructions are given to the crystal by talking to it. Imagine that the crystal is a microphone that responds to sound. Orders are delivered by voice because most of the brain is involved if words and speech convey thoughts. The crystal reacts to vibrations in the air and vibrations of the cells of the hand. Another argument in favour of audio instructions instead of a silent message: imagine that you are in a room where, besides you, there are still a lot of people, and you are very thirsty.
Habit - an action that gradually arose as a result of repetition, and now is carried out on its own, without your will.
It takes time to get used to something. We all get used to something in our lives, and habits become part of our nature and begin to control us to a certain extent.
There are things that people get used to quickly, and there are things that take a long time to get used to, and it’s hard to get used to some things. In any case, people get used to something not immediately, but over a while.
People start to pay more attention not just to how they look, but also how they feel, what they eat, and what physical activities they can do. They start to understand that physical exercise stimulates changes and adaptation of tissues. People are more aware that regular physical activity reduces the likelihood of illness, the frequency of the leading causes of death, and the overall health and quality of life.
Everything we wear on ourselves means something. This is especially true of jewellery. They talk about our character, temperament, lifestyle, mood and much more. Most women have favourite jewellery that has a particular symbolic meaning: a reminder of an acquaintance, an important event in life, a memory of a dear person, a first date, etc.
All jewellery can be divided into several categories, each of which will have its own subtext.
In everyday life, people often adhere to the behaviours described in the transactional analysis of the Karpman triangle: "victim," "stalker," "rescuer." The same person in different situations and with different people can play different roles, represented by a triangle. Having studied these roles' characteristics, we can conclude that none of them is profitable, so you should not stick to any indicated positions. What model of behaviour then adhere to?
According to psychologists, assertiveness is one of the essential factors for achieving success because all people live in society. Therefore, effective interaction with representatives of the community will contribute to productive life: success in work (business), material wealth, in the family (family relationships), etc.
Did you ever wonder what the contrasts are between chakras and aura? Or how do they work together? The concept of aura - the luminous energy shell of a person - was introduced by the ancient Indian sages. They believed that the aura could tell about a person's sensual or spiritual thoughts and say about his state of health and that all beliefs are imprinted on his shell. The aura was represented as a field of energy - information that everyone has and through which is a connection with the outside world.
The word "karma" itself originates from the word Kamma, which in Pali means 'cause-effect', 'retribution', 'action'. The concept of karma cannot be considered separately from such cornerstone concepts as reincarnation and samsara. Without the concept of reincarnation, it would be almost impossible to explain the Law of karma itself. Thus, knowing that reincarnation is an integral part of our life, we understand that the Law of karma works in full force. The way you behaved in past incarnations will undoubtedly affect what is happening in the present, and, possibly, in other rebirths. Also, during this life, a person has the opportunity to improve his karma due to ethical actions and thoughts so that already in the current incarnation, you can turn your life in a favorable direction.
Sometimes even the biggest sceptics are faced with something that cannot be explained by anything other than magic.
When miracles are happening in our life, then we fundamentally changing our fate. As befits miracles, they arrived when you least expect them. Well, or when you realize that only magic can help you.
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