
Motivation is an internal state that activates, directs, and supports behaviour aimed at achieving specific goals. Motivation is the cause of the action and the ability of a person to satisfy their needs actively. Motivation is closely related to human development. It begins with the thought that when we reach the goal, we will feel good and forces us to act towards this goal and evaluate whether our actions are practical and whether they will lead to the expected results.

Each person has their motives, which can be very different from the purposes of others. On the other hand, each of us has our energy reserves, which we can use.

A two-sided nature characterizes motivation. On the one hand, motivation is an influence exerted on a person from outside, and on the other, it is an independent desire for something. An external force is combined with an internal desire to achieve the same goal; only then can we say that the motivation is successful.

Based on the dual nature of motivation, we can deduce a precise formula for this phenomenon: on what motivation depends and how it appears.

Motivating is the interaction of various external and internal motivational forces that determine a person's behaviour in the labour process. An external motivating factor to action is an incentive, and respectively, a motive is an internal motivating force.

Moreover, the motive is more priority in work than the stimulus. Sometimes success can be achieved solely due to internal motivation; no external incentives. But the process of activity will never succeed if there are only incentives without motivation. Motivation is the main driving force of any undertaking.

Motivation is a force that brings us closer to our goal. Behind the desire to understand the secret of motivation lies the hope better to control their own behaviour and the behaviour of others.

One encourages competition and leads to maximum results, while the other paralyzes this pressure. When one is ready to give life for the sake of the goal, the other is apathetic and uninterested in anything. Sometimes motivation comes out of nowhere and disappears when you need it most. It doesn't matter if you want to lose 85 kg or only 5.

There is no general recipe. But there is the main point: become a researcher of your motivation. Imagine that you can already speak the desired language. How do you see yourself at this moment? 

Motivation is a dynamic process. It is not static, but mobile. With failures, it decreases, and during experiences of success, it strengthens.


1. Remember your goal.

Never forget about your goal, even when obstacles appear in the way. Barriers usually along the way; you know this since you learned to walk. Complicated does not mean impossible! 

2. Act! Even when you don't feel like it, act! 

As they say, appetite comes during the game. The key to success, in this case, is self-control. It's okay if you fail. We all have bad days, but we get back to work again. Neither laziness nor excuse should prevent us from achieving our goals!

3. Develop a good plan.

Break the final target into several common ones. Achieving each small goal will push you to the next and bring you closer to the final result. Celebrate every victory!

We can keep a diary, recording our victories there at every stage. Reviewing your notes will help you better understand what you are striving to achieve. Besides, there are various mobile productivity monitoring applications. They are handy, for example, for sports training.

4. Imagine that you have already reached the goal.

How do you see yourself at this moment? What do you feel? Who will be next to you? The better and brighter you imagine it, the stronger and longer your motivation will be.

5. The effort is the key to success.

Wasting time or money in the short term is usually a long-term investment. Take this not as an inconvenience, but as a perspective and contribution to the future. Do not give up! If you don't see the results, consider changing the strategy. Be creative in the process!

6. Train your frustration tolerance.

The ability to reasonably treat frustration and frustration distinguishes an adult from a child. This quality contributes to the development of willpower, self-confidence, self-esteem, emotional intelligence, etc. 

7. Do not complain! 

Complaints do not solve your problem; they only "pump out" energy. Get rid of these emotional vampires! Constant complaints and discontent cause an adverse reaction from others.

8. Save your energy.

To achieve the goal, both physical and psychological forces are essential. Do not waste them on something that does not bring any benefit. Do not forget to relax every time you reach one of your intermediate goals, and it will help you move on. 

9. Think positively.

Our thoughts and approach to solving the problem affect progress and outcome. Positive thinking will help you cope with difficulties in achieving goals, while negative thoughts in themselves are already an obstacle. Think about the good, positive - this will help you focus on what you have already achieved, and give strength to move on.

10. Benefit from your "happy" days.

Sometimes we wake up already with a great mood. Joy gives energy and optimism and facilitates the implementation of those tasks that we usually postpone for later. There are days when, on the contrary, you want to give up everything and do nothing. And this is entirely normal. Knowing that there are such moments, try not to let them lead you astray. You have motives and reasons not to give in to pessimism and desperation. 

11. Surround yourself with optimists.

As they say, optimism is contagious. Positive, optimistic people around you contribute to a healthier psychological climate. 

12. Find people who motivate you.

It is very motivating to listen to people who once pursued the same goal and achieved it. How did they do it? How did you overcome the obstacles? How to deal with the most challenging moments? If others were able to, why can't you?

13. Create healthy competition.

If you are familiar with a person whose goals are similar to yours, take advantage of this. Together you can create healthy competition and compare your successes. Who smoked fewer cigarettes in a week? Who ran more kilometres? Who trained more in the gym?

Remember that comparisons must be fair. It would be incorrect to compare a person who has just started to play sports with a professional athlete, right? The essence of this strategy is mutual support.

14. The road is essential.

It may sound like a cliché, but it's true. All the efforts that you have made to receive a reward in themselves bring satisfaction. When you achieve your goal, you know that this has become possible, thanks to the work you have done. 

The taller the tree, the sweeter the fruits!

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