You are the most crucial person in your entire universe. After all, you live life by looking at it with your own eyes. Through them, you perceive your interactions with the world and people around you, your thoughts and interpretation of events, relationships, actions, and words. If we are talking about the general structure of things around the world, then you are only one of many. But when it comes to your understanding of reality, the only one that matters is you. Therefore, your life depends on how much you love and care about yourself. Your relationship with your self is the most determining factor in shaping precisely the experience that you live. The less you love yourself, listen to yourself and understand yourself, the more dull, evil, and disappointing your reality will be.
But, when you start to love yourself more, the more you see, do, and deal with, the more it becomes a little better in all respects. But self-love is not so pure. As they say, you are your most prominent critic. We are programmed for constant attacks of self-hatred, and for many people, they cease to be separate attacks and persist throughout our lives. When we hate ourselves more than we love, our view of the world becomes more negative. Therefore, just keep track of those moments when you love yourself and consciously keep them for a long time.
Who you are in everyday life
Remember the people from your life whom you love and respect. How do you treat them? You show kindness to them, are patient with their thoughts and ideas, and forgive them when they make a mistake. You give them space, time, and opportunity; you make sure that they have room for development because you love them and believe in their potential for growth. Now think about how do you treat yourself. Do you give yourself the love and respect that you provide to your closest friends and other significant people? Do you care about your body, mind, and needs? Here are how you can demonstrate love for your body and mind in everyday life:
How much of this do you allow yourself? If not a lot, then how can you say that you truly love yourself? Self-love implies not only a state of consciousness. It is also a series of actions and habits that you introduce into everyday life. You need to show yourself that you love yourself, from the beginning to the end of each day.
Acceptance of pain
Nobody is perfect. Some of us confuse self-love with endless positivity and limitless optimism. From morning to night, such people tell everyone how beautiful everything is, regardless of how they feel or how disastrous their situation may be. And we believe that this is the right approach: does not positive energy attract even more positive energy? However, the truth is that your endless optimism is a huge lie. You are deceiving a part of yourself, ignoring the needs of half of who you are. We all have a dark side where suffering, hatred, and pain lie. When we ignore this reality, it eats us from the inside and makes us completely close spiritually and mentally. Grant yourself to be honest with who you are. Forgive yourself for past deeds, for those things that you are ashamed of. Accept the fact that sometimes you become a carrier of negative emotions such as disgust, rage, and envy. And learn to enjoy the silence when you need it.
Find and open your heart
Devote to the recognition and acceptance of pain, and learn how-to live-in peace with your cold and closed heart. Ask yourself one question: do you love yourself completely? Acceptance of one’s shortcomings and flaws is one thing, but what about loving a person who has your thoughts, emotions, atrocities, and mistakes? That is a much higher level of self-love. Look honestly at your life story. Follow your path from early childhood to the person you are now. Understand yourself as the person closest to you, and just find a reason for every negative emotion, every shameful act, every word and deed that you now regret. Do not be afraid to look into the eyes of everything that has accumulated in you. Remember that when you close your eyes to it, it remains inside.
Probably the essential thing that you will understand is that most of the manifestations of your personality exist for a reason, but have a foundation. And if there is no reason, you can refuse such aspects. For example, you may have a false perception and understanding of reality, or trauma, or a sense of being a victim. Maybe you do not see the world as it is, and you did the wrong thing only because of this. Trace the roots, study your past. Feel the love and understanding that only you can give to yourself. Stop being ashamed of your past, figure out what good it brought you.
Give the world the good that is in you
After you realize and acknowledge your dark side, the light will begin to shine on the pearls and talents stored inside you: empathy, spiritual essence, sense of humour, love - all that doesn’t leave a chance for bad things. Use and show exactly these qualities when interacting with the world and other people. That is why it is necessary to learn how to love yourself.
The main step in the science of self-love is to accept yourself as you are. Follow the signs and love yourself.
Healthy lifestyle in the modern sense is not exercised in the morning, and not a basin of water poured early in the morning on a sleepy head. This is a new approach to life in general. But how to fit it into your everyday life? And how to make a healthy lifestyle a pleasure and not poison the existence of you or others? We include common sense and understand.
What are we fighting for? What is a healthy lifestyle in modern reality?
There are many points of view on crystal purification. Rely on your feelings and intuition for this. If you feel that your crystal needs to be cleaned, do so.
After working with a crystal during healing procedures, it is not recommended to expose it to cold water immediately. The crystal emits a lot of energy during operation. It can become hot and warm, not hot, but very warm. If you immerse him in cold water, his strength will quickly drain. The crystal will undergo thermal shock. Since the crystal does not expand or change its shape under the influence of heat or cold, it can crack in several places.
Dream on! Do not look back at anyone! No matter how small your dream may be, it is yours. Realize it, and vision it. Significant for you. Dream after dream! Dream after dream!
Remember what you dreamed about. After all, you once dreamed! Everybody dreamed that he would grow up and achieve success. You will become someone important, significant. You will be a scientist, artist, doctor, famous athlete, an astronaut at last. You dreamed of travelling around the world, making a bunch of discoveries, creating a masterpiece, leaving a memory about yourself, or simply not knowing how yet, but dreamed that you would definitely be happy. And then, for some reason, you stopped. You became an adult.
"Transferring is a powerful technology for managing reality. Having received the solution to a controlled presence, you will see a world in which the impossible becomes possible."
When they first get acquainted with transferring, many people are surprised: how can you not make a wish, why? For many of us, desires and dreams is a much more familiar and enjoyable thing than goals and intentions. As children, we made wishes, blowing out candles on a birthday cake, whispering them to the chiming clock, or throwing coins into fountains so that our plan would come true as soon as possible. Some continue to do this in adulthood - because sometimes you really want to believe in a miracle ... But the truth is that all this is absolutely useless - such desires have no power!
If we talk about procrastination in simple words, then it turns out that it is a steady habit to postpone essential matters. The person is aware of the importance of these matters, and their completion has been planned.
For example, a person decided to go in for morning runs. He realizes that this is important to him. Health allows him to do this. But he always finds a reason to postpone the implementation of his plan. And even more than that - at first glance, these reasons are entirely objective and justified. And everything would be great if the delay in jogging did not occur systematically.
People start to pay more attention not just to how they look, but also how they feel, what they eat, and what physical activities they can do. They start to understand that physical exercise stimulates changes and adaptation of tissues. People are more aware that regular physical activity reduces the likelihood of illness, the frequency of the leading causes of death, and the overall health and quality of life.
Quartz crystals represent the result of evolution at the material level. The six faces of the quartz crystal symbolize the six chakras, and the completion point corresponds to the seventh, crown chakra, which connects us to infinity. Quartz crystals are often milky, opaque at the base, and the closer to the top, the more transparent. Transparent quartz crystals often contain inclusions of foreign bodies or frosted curtains.
Any relationship is based on primary and natural human needs: love and recognition. Everyone has their own view on the scenario of the development of these things, but for every person, it is crucial. The first thing we get after birth is parental love and recognition. It is also natural, like mother's milk, air, and the world around. Like everything in this world, there are pathological situations that happen to individuals, but the general, natural, human condition is love and recognition.
We often hear the phrase "All diseases from the nerves." Most people do not take it seriously. But is it worth it to be so frivolous and skeptical about its meaning? Perhaps this particular postulate is the key to understanding the causes of various diseases?
The soul of a person does not just put on his body, but they become one. The soul is not in the body, like a person in clothes. No! Soul and body, this one - living flesh. Only our consciousness divides them into two. That means that everything, literally all the organs of the body correspond to the spiritual organs of the soul. The body organs do not just correspond to the organs of the soul; they are united with them by a fantastic complete unity, which is not in the physical world.
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Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...
Months on ye at by esteem desire warmth former. Sure that that way gave any fond now. His boy middleton sir nor engrossed affection excellent. Dissimilar compliment cultivated preference eat...