
Affirmations are statements that help change our way of thinking and shape the future we are striving for. But not only ... Affirmations are thoughts, words, feelings, emotions that each of us uses in everyday life. Moreover, as we all understand, we use not always positive, but also negative statements.

First of all, if you want to change your life for the better with the help of affirmations, then you need to use them only in a positive way. So how does it work? For example, you or the people around you pronounce the word "nightmare"' or "horror" several times a day – these must be substituted with "Hurray!", for instance. No need to do it out loud, saying it to yourself would be enough – the main thing is to replace every negative impulse with a positive one.

Our thoughts and emotions affect our lives and surroundings to a great extent. Remember that like attracts only like. Negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and fears will undoubtedly come true since we have projected them. What you think about is what you become, thus positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness, and pleasure will attract happy events and the people we need into our lives.

Affirmations may not work only in one case - if there is a conflict between what you say and who you really are. If you think one thing, say another, but mean the third, then your guardian angels cannot understand what you really want. 

The main thing is your positive attitude, the belief that you will succeed. First, come to harmony within yourself, and you will immediately notice that the world around you has changed.

How to formulate affirmations

  • any positive statement is expressed in the present tense or as an already accomplished fact;
  • "not" particle is forgotten and never used;
  • it should be directed only to a good cause and in the name of goodness and love in the whole Universe.

Affirmations can change your life, and if you firmly decided that you need change, like air, then go ahead. Great things await us. Saying affirmations is an effective way to achieve your goal, happiness, love, inner harmony, health, and well-being. Work with them every day, saying them out loud or to yourself, and the result will not keep you waiting.


  • I am absolutely confident in myself
  • My dreams come true, and I clearly follow my goals
  • I fully feel the value of my life!
  • I have the right to find my way and realize the mission given to me
  • I consistently achieve goals
  • I am full of faith in myself and my potential
  • I am responsible for the events of my life
  • I am confident in myself in any situation
  • I speak calmly and firmly
  • Every day gives me confidence
  • I am confident in the future
  • I am a competent person, and I can do a lot
  • The world is friendly to me
  • I like my body and soul
  • I allow myself to want, dream, set goals and realize them
  • My confidence helps me make the right decision.
  • I am endowed with free will. And I will achieve everything I want
  • I like to expand my comfort zone and learn new experiences
  • I am flexible in decision making. In the changes, I see an incentive to success
  • I am confident in myself in any circumstances
  • I will achieve my goals

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